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The World-Cultural-Heritage

Das Weltkulturerbe im Jahre 2025

Tee Dance

           Ursula Empress, Ruebenkoppel 1, 23564 Luebeck 

To The

Broadcast Editorial Staff

Europe-Wide And

America -Wide


This letter is also not the latest item, however always up to date and it is written for a time is coming. 2015*

Revised edition*

2002, Luebeck, October 26, Saturday

Free translation


Tee Dance/ Coffee Dance / Order of your Empress

Please, let  this German-language writing be translated into all languages quite exactly.


Ladies and Gentlemen!

Again your Empress whistles for attack, since daily you are more and more admired as pros of nation. As a communication- and Media-management-society you can do something special for that one`s can take it to the bank; you can destroy with a routine what still has an existence. That lets even wince your Empress, because she has got only a couple of a penny for disposal and you may further live off poor people like half-assed ones!

You simply have been forgotten who you are and now you cannot recognize my person as the original one rightly and that will be our ruin and all the rest of all of it. Your terror announcements of the daily news you bring into the light of day like the daily sensation announcements with the result, that your entire public will be professional entertain by action. Now the following orders are an opportunity for you as the sensation makers Europe- and America- wide, so that also you will get something off the ground.

First of all you as Radio-Stations are asked to get in touch with following mentioned facilities: Please, set up especially danceable music programs for a number of suitable dance afternoons for your listeners in old-age homes and all kinds of those facilities, without any congratulation announcements or any other interruptions.

For it have to be arranged in every old-age homes and nursing homes as well as in every loony bins and residential care homes for the elderly and at every prisons, please, enough dance floors or it must be carried out in various hostels or some organizations, so that dance halls with everything what is needed is at the disposal.

Especially the so-called sons of the resident patients of old-age homes as well as older single gentlemen you have to be invited them politely but in no uncertain terms to a congenial dance afternoon jointly with their mothers or with other old people by broadcast. In future there will be no more allowed a woman- with woman- dance.

End is now with this pitiable state. Too, the dance schools and dance teachers are to be established in a requested manner correspondingly by this invitation. Now mainly the sons, grandsons and old single gentlemen are requested for the dancing according to the motto: "There's nothing like going out in style!" and no more different! As a person one has to leave the world like a person and not as a half-assed one. 

Please, put that in your pipe and smoke it!

The old women and mothers should make themselves pretty for these, it is to be hoped, very numerous dance afternoons and are requested not to waive their dear sonnies from this duty, because an order is an order, otherwise the Cudgel of your Empress will dance with these sonnies and that opens presumably less fun!

On behalf of


27th January 2019